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- Yanwen Dong: “Assessment of Workers’ Aptitude toward Assembly Tasks Based on Japanese General Aptitude Test Battery Scores.”, Communication of JIMA, Vol.31, No. 2, pp.161-164 (2022). (in Japanese)
- Cao Yuren, Dong Yanwen: “Statistical Characteristics of Workers’ Productivity and Their Clustering in Cell Production System“, Innovation and Supply Chain Management, Vol.14, No.3, pp.31-36 (2020).
- Yanwen DONG, Qin ZHU: “Measuring Workers’ Aptitudes for Cell Production Based on Japanese General Aptitude Test Battery Scores“, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, 2020, Volume 71, Issue 2E, pp. 81-91 (2020).
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- Yanwen DONG: “Investigating Impact of Human Factors in Cell Production System through Comparison of Two Groups of Workers“, Innovation and Supply Chain Management, Vol.13, No.3, pp.31-37 (2019).
- Yanwen Dong, “Identifying Factors Reflecting Workers’ Aptitude toward Assembly Tasks in Production Cells” Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 201-204, (2017)
- Hideo Sato, Yanwen Dong and Vinod Kumar: “A Principal Component Analysis Approach to Measure Contributions of Shinkin Banks to Regional Economies in Northeast Area of Japan“, Innovation and Supply Chain Management, Vol.10, No.1, pp.19-29 (2016).
- Yanwen Dong, Shinya Sato, Vinod Kumar and Kyoji Hoshino: “Definition and Verification of Workers’ Aptitude toward Assembly Tasks in Production Cells“, Innovation and Supply Chain Management, Vol.10, No.1, pp.43-52 (2016).
- Yanwen Dong and Xiying Hao: “Experimental Study and Statistical Analysis of Human Factors’ Impact in Cell Production System“, Computational Management Science, State of the Art 2014 (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 682, Raquel J. Fonseca, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, João Telhada Editors), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. pp.107-113 (2016).
- Yanwen Dong, Xiying Hao and Hideo Sato: “Investigation of the Impact of Data Comparability on Performance of Support Vector Machine Models for Credit Scoring“, Innovation and Supply Chain Management, Vol.9, No.1, pp.31-38 (2015).
- Yanwen Dong, Xiying Hao and Shinya Sato: “An Ant Colony Optimization Method for Fuzzy Vehicle Routing Problem“, Innovation and Supply Chain Management, Vol.9, No.1, pp.17-24 (2015).
- Yanwen Dong and Xiying Hao: “Comparison Study of MBA Education between China and Japan“, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, Vol.13, No.3, pp.278-288 (2014).
- Yanli Dong, Xianbing Liu and Yanwen Dong: “Green Supply Chain Management and the Induced Performance Changes of Companies in the Yangtze River Delta of China“, Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications (AJMSA), Vol.1, No.2, pp.141-158 (2014).
- Xiying Hao, Yanwen Dong and Sen Wu: “An Experimental Study on Relationship between Classification Performance and Degree of Class Imbalance”, INFORMATION, Vol.17, No.6(B) pp.2567-2582 (2014).
- Yanwen Dong, Harumi Haraguchi and Xiying Hao: “Structural Equation Modelling of Human Factors and Their Impact On Productivity of Cellular Manufacturing“, Innovation and Supply Chain Management, Vol.8, No.1, pp.1-7 (2014).
- Xiying Hao and Yanwen Dong: “A New Approach Based on Class Imbalance Learning for Small-Businesses’ Credit Assessment“, the Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, Vol.64, No.2E, pp.325-335 (2013).
- Xiying Hao and Yanwen Dong: “An Adaptive and Hierarchical System for Small-Businesses’ Credit Assessment”, INFORMATION, Vol.16, No.7(A), pp.4675-4692 (2013).
- Xiying Hao, Harumi Haraguchi and Yanwen Dong: “An Experimental Study of Human Factors’ Impact in Cellular Manufacturing and Production Line System”, INFORMATION, Vol.16, No.7(A), pp.4509-4526 (2013).
- Yanwen Dong, Xiying Hao and Chunji Yu: “Comparison of Statistical and Artificial Intelligence Methodologies in Small-Businesses’ Credit Assessment Based On Daily Transaction Data”, ICIC Express Letters, An International Journal of Research and Surveys,Vol.5, No.5, pp.1725-1730 (2011).
- Dong Yanwen: “Application of Hybrid Method of Bagging and Case-Based Reasoning to Solve Small-Businesses’ Credit Assessment Problems”, INFORMATION, Vol.14, No.2, pp.399-409 (2011).
- Masatoshi Kitaoka, Hitoshi Takeda, Rui Nakamaura and Yanwen Dong: “Optimum Design of Storage Cycle Time Analysis using Queueing Theory and Taguchi Method for a Conveyor and a Rotary Rac”, Lecture Notes in Operations Research 12: Operations Research and Its Applications (Edited by: Xiang-Sun Zhang, De-Gang Liu, Ling-Yun Wu and Yong Wang), pp.280-287 (2010).
- Yanwen Dong and Masatoshi Kitaoka: “Two-stage Model of Vehicle Routing Problem with Fuzzy Demands and its Ant Colony System Algorithm“, Lecture Notes in Operations Research 12: Operations Research and Its Applications (Edited by: Xiang-Sun Zhang, De-Gang Liu, Ling-Yun Wu and Yong Wang), pp.136-143 (2010).
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- Dong Yanwen: “A Data Mining System for Small and Medium Enterprises“, Journal of Commerce, Economics and Economic History, Vol.71, No.1, pp.17-36 (2002).(in Japanese)
- Yanwen Dong, Masatoshi Kitaoka: “Finding and Choosing Fuzzy Shortest Paths”, Journal of The Japan Society of Logistics Systems, Vol.2, No.1, pp.37-47 (2001).(in Japanese)
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- Dong Yanwen: “A Heuristic Algorithm for Deciding Optimal Specifications of Semi-Finished Products and its Implementation“, Journal of Commerce, Economics and Economic History, Vol.69, No.1, pp.27-39 (2000).(in Japanese)
- Yanwen Dong, Masatoshi Kitaoka: “Solving Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems With Fuzzy Processing Time“, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, Vol.51, No.1, pp.9-16 (2000).(in Japanese)
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- Rui Nakamura, Yanwen Dong, Masatoshi Kitaoka, Hirozou Okumura: “Transportation Route Problems with Fuzzy Shortest Path”, Annual Report of Japan Society of Business Mathematics, Vol.18, pp.57-69 (1996).(in Japanese)
- Yanwen Dong, Hiroshi Ohta, Masatoshi Kitaoka: “A Case-Based Reasoning Approach for Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines“, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, Vol.47, No.3, pp.165-172 (1996).(in Japanese)
- Yanwen Dong, Masatoshi Kitaoka, Hiroshi Ohta: “A Case-Based Production Scheduling System for Corrugated Cardboard Factory“, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, Vol.46, No.5, pp.433-445 (1995).(in Japanese)
- Yanwen Dong, Masatoshi Kitaoka: “Implementation of A Case-Based Scheduling System in C Language“, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol.27, Nos.1-4, pp.265-268 (1994).
- Masatoshi Kitaoka, Yanwen Dong, Kensei Tsuchida: “Design of The Production Scheduling System for A Corrugated Cardboard Factory Using Neural Networks“, Communications of Japan Industrial Management Association, Vol.1, No.1, pp.72 – 80(1992). (in Japanese)
- Yanwen Dong, Masatoshi Kitaoka: “Scheduling for Minimizing The Total Production Time on Two Stage Flow Shop with Parallel Machines“, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, Vol.43, No.5, pp.363-370 (1992).(in Japanese)
- Yanwen Dong, Masatoshi Kitaoka; “Scheduling in A Multi-Stage Flow Shop with Parallel Machines to Minimize Average Flow Time”, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, Vol.42, No.1, pp.23-29 (1991). (in Japanese)